How to weigh loss very common problem

 What to eat for dinner When to eat 

What to 

In what quantity to eat?

so as to stay slim for a lifetime

Whenever a person wants to lose weight

First thing

I am skipping dinner nowadays

Or I am just having soup or salad for dinners

Skipping dinners isn't a bad thing

But why try things that are temporary in life?

If you are temporarily skipping dinner then weight loss will be for a temporary time

Better learn it

What to eat?

When to eat?

Which food choices to take?

To stay lean forever!

The lady that comes to help me in my kitchen

was saying a day before, Palak! Should I ask you something?

How can you stay slim after eating so much?

Firstly I thought, Thank God, my granny isn't listening!

As she used to get angry

why are you keeping an eye on Palak's plate?

Guys! It is a fact. I stay very slim after eating 5 to 6 times a day!

If your basics are clear related to food

Why do they say it to you,

eat at least 2-3 hours before sleeping

Our body must not be busy with digestion at that time

should not be busy digesting food

Our body should fight infection at that time

if there are toxins, should detox them

Our body should develop hormones

But, if we eat food that is not properly digested

then body stays busy the whole night with digestion

When you wake up in the morning, you really have to force yourself to get up

You stay fatigued

have water retention somewhere or the other

dark circles appear

skin doesn't look fresh

mood stays upset

crave for sweets all day

stays irritated

if your body is busy with digestion at night

Hence, First of all, you have to learn about

What to eat, if you are eating an hour before you sleep

Eating 3 hours before then what to eat?

For example,

You have a gap of 3 hours before bedtime

You have to eat enough so you don't starve for the next 3-4 hours

What beats your hunger?

Fat & Fiber

Put butter in lentils

add pure ghee

replace grilled chicken with butter chicken

or eat lamb

it takes 2-3 hours to digest lamb

if you are eating something 3 hours before bedtime

the body will digest it

Eat butter, ghee, or you can have stevia ice cream a little

Just don't relax in one place after eating

take a 10-15 minutes walk, you will never gain weight

And if you get hungry before sleeping

Just keep a check to not eat carbohydrates

Rice, Chapati- you will not eat all this

Because these all give quick energy

We have to run out of energy

Gaining energy will hamper your sleep hormones

This is a very common problem in males

My brother has a shop that he closes at 10 pm

and comes home at 10:30 pm

I asked, What do you eat, brother?

I don't eat anything still I got diabetes

One bowl of lentils and chappati

Guys! This chapati has carbohydrates

These rice have carbohydrates

If you had them 3 hours before, it's ok!

You need energy for 3 hours

But do not eat all this before sleeping

I know, if I say this,

Sleep after having a glass of full-fat milk

sleep after eating nuts

or sleep after taking a protein shake

People do not feel satisfied, they find satisfaction after eating food

Hence, try to stick to lentils and vegetables

Avoid chapati and rice, if you are eating an hour before sleeping

Because this chapati and rice will provide you energy

plus, in the morning, your fasting blood glucose level

will shoot up immensely that is the reason you get diabetes

Now I am going to change your mindset

with which you will stay slim forever

A person goes to a wedding

or party or to eat buffet with family in the evening

They think, Let's eat much today

I will eat less from tomorrow

This thinking is making you fat

Let's say, you went to a buffet or party

The amount of protein, carbs, and fats required by your body,

you ate more than that

All this is going to get stored as fat in your body at night

It got stored as fat

You are feeling guilty next morning that you ate much last night

So, the next day, your body needs to make hormones from fat

You can not provide it because you are eating it less

You will exercise more because you are having guilt from the last night

then you will not give protein to your body

muscle will not repair

the body will feel fatigued on the third day

So Guys! Leave this mindset

Let me eat much today, tomorrow I will eat less


What you ate today has now been stored in fat

What does that mean

I never have ice cream or I do not eat much!

I eat but I eat whole, the next day also

I just increase my activity

coming back from a buffet

I ask my mother in the car

Mom, shall we go to the park to walk for 20-25 minutes?

or the next day, besides doing my exercise, I go for a walk for 30-45 minutes

But I never eat less

So, first of all, guys! change your mindset

If you are eating more than your body really require

That will get stored as a fat

Let me tell you one simple hack that I use

When I go outside

I know, there are so many tempting things around

that today fat will get stored

At that time, the moment I enter the party, I start to eat

Firstly, I complete my protein- lentils, chicken

After that, for the remaining hunger, I eat a lot of vegetables

Sauté in butter

I keep on eating salad

Then my stomach gets so filled

When sweet are served, I just don't eat

I know you will like this tip and you will stay slim forever

So guys! Do share this Article

This thinking must pass on to your friend list

eat properly

eat it will a proper mindset

eat it at the right time

then people will say this to you

You eat like a heuman Take care, Bye!

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