Today we're going to answer the 

common questions

insurance the first question a lot of

people ask is what coverage is available

so if we're talking about Auto there's

the pieces of liability there's the full

coverage word that everybody doesn't

  • know is made up but it's a piece and

  • we'll talk about it and then for the

  • home there's just the liability of the

  • home and the actual protection of the

  • home itself there's a ton of pieces that

  • cover that and I'll probably link some

  1. Post in the descriptions below for

some of these that want to get more

detailed with that but essentially the

coverage is a wide arrange for those

that want more than that the biggest

piece is the liability not necessarily

the asset so the asset is the car or the

house yes they're going to do what's

called actual cash value on the car 99.9

percent of the time that just means the

value of the car deteriorates over time

or if the value goes up so it's worth

whatever the car is worth at the moment

for the house they estimate the build of

a house how much it would cost to

reconstruct the house and sometimes they

include demolishing the home so if they

had to rip it all down there's an extra

thirty thousand dollars mixed in that

and then the house would be whatever it

costs to rebuild now there's all of the

little things like some what if someone

stole your laptop out of your car or

what if a pipe burst in the house what

if there was a fire or a theft and

things like that and it gets a little

bit more detailed I'll put a link to a

video in the end of this that goes over

more of the 101s about home and auto

insurance the second common question is

what is it

what is a liability comprehensive in

Collision they're very different and

they all come together if you order them

they're essentially what they call full

coverage that is the three pieces that

make up the assumed word full coverage

now liability is injuries to others so

what you're liable for if you damageliable for if you damage

their car if you hurt somebody it

usually pays the medical or the property


the comprehensive is covering your car

for theft vandalism if you hit a deer uh

animal acts of God basically things like

that and then the Collision is covering

your car in the event of an accident if

you hit a house you hit a car whatever

that case is or someone hit you you've

got full coverage on everything that's

the full now the limits that you pick

are what differentiate the difference

between the levels So when you say full

coverage you're essentially adding those

pieces but it doesn't include Towing and

road service or rental car or having

better liability limits versus having

the state minimums and that where that's

where it gets a little bit more detailed

as far as the coverages that you need

like I said again at the end of the
Post or in this post we'll go over

some of the limits that we suggest and

then we'll talk about some of the

specifics now if you're looking more

about the car insurancecar insurance another great

question is what is the difference

between ACV actual cash value and

replacement cost so it's very uncommon

that insurance company will even do

replacement costs but there's two

options so actual cash value is the

value of the vehicle at the time any any

object it could be a house it could be a

pen that you own whatever that pen is

worth today is what the insurance is

covering the full replacement cost is

what does it cost to replace the vehicle

so the value of a used car that's five

years old might be five thousand dollars

less than you paid for it but the value

to replace the car might be five

  • thousand dollars more to buy it again

  • those are the big differences between

  • the two now commonly the full

  • replacement cost is on those sub items

  • or classic vehicles and when I say sub

  • items we're talking about a boat a

motorcycle uh trailer things like that

you can usually put full replacement

cost on those versus actual cash value

and yes the price will change based on

the cost that you think it's worth

versus what it is now you can't go crazy

and just put ten thousand dollars more

value on a replacement cost because

there is a limit to where it has to get

approved Beyond a certain number similar

to the car insurance the home also has

what's called the replacement cost and

that's a essentially the replacement of

the home typically a home insurance

policy will give additional replacement

cost so if there was a total loss and

let's say inflation hit and the cost of

lumber cost 10 20 percent more than what

the house was worth now you're stuck

with the bill right no most of the times

these companies will give you additional

replacement cost in the percentage base

so 25 percent more 50 percent more or

100 percent no matter what it is they're

just going to cover whatever the repair

is the fourth question is how are rates

determined and let's look at the auto

first it's really simple to understand

even though there's a ton of factors

it's essentially the main pieces of what

I call a profile each person is

different fits for each company that's

why your neighbor might get a better

price than you do because they have a

different profile and your location may

be different so the main things that

most States rate a lot of them do and

don't do gender it's kind of a 50 50

depending on the state you're in most of

them say credit is not a factor but they

use what's called an insurance score

which in all honesty is a version of

credit I have a video on my channel if

you want that goes a lot more in depth

and talks about the five pieces that

make up that score but essentially it's

your claims history and your credit

history and all of that mixed into a

package and that plays a big impact

location is a very large impact on your

car insurance because that is the risk

profile right how many people are

driving or how many accidents for that

company are in that place

that's why shopping for car insurance is

very difficult because you don't know

which company you're a good fit for if

you are shopping around for car

insurance your best bet is to deal with

more of an independent agent because

they shot five six 10 or 15 different

companies all at once that gives them an

idea when you plug in the coverages that

you want who's going to have the best

pricing based on the profile that you

are if that's the case I'll put a link

in the description below you guys can

fill out a quote and I'll link you up or

try to link you up with somebody that

does do insurance in your local area

some states I actually have a company

that we work with so you may get a call

from me or even my partner for the home

it's a little bit different the home is

really just the location because it

doesn't physically move the risk is a

lot lower on a home but one of the

larger pieces that they factor in is the

condition of the home any maintenance

issues that they've had if there has

been a foreclosure on the home so

there's likely some damage that might

have happened have they had any claims

on the home those are big things

obviously for auto as well the claims

matter but the home is really focused on

those main piece cases does Insurance it

score play a small factor sure the

number of people that live in the house

kind of not really as much anymore the

overall risk profile of that and then

the Reconstruction cost their biggest

thing that they worry about is somebody

buying a super cheap home but it's worth

a whole bunch more to replace so there's

high risk of fraud there and they want

to be careful on that scenario too five

what discounts are available I'm not

going to go too far in depth I'll go

with some major ones and then I will

promise I will link a article📰📰📰 that goes

over discounts at the end of this so for

the auto the main discounts is bundling

same thing for the home also for the

auto is having Longevity if you've been

with a company for five years or more it

can be three but five is the max in most

cases most companies will give you a big

discount in states that are no fault

States or not no fault States let's say

your liability plays a huge risk where

the states that have no fault and you

have to carry certain medical coverages

already have some of that liability

built in so if you're in one of those

states that is an at fault state it

helps that you have higher liability

limits when you shop around because

having those higher liability limits

give you a better price going forward

claims free is an uncontrollable

discount because if you haven't had any

claims you get a discount most companies

give a major discount for that shopping

in advance that also can help you if

you're 20 days or more most companies go

seven but there are a few that go a

little bit further for the home the

biggest discount is updates on the home

so if it's an older home newer roof

newer electrical newer plumbing New

Heating all of those play a factor in

the price of the home the purchase date

can help you if there are claims because

some companies don't rate claims that

weren't yours against you there are a

few that do so it is unfortunate but

once again that means that companies not

  1. necessarily fit for you and that home at

  1. that location six how much coverage do I

  1. need it's a very difficult question but

  1. I'll be honest most of the time agents

  1. will quote you a similar coverage

  1. because they do it all day long my

  1. comment and my default is lie ability

  1. for car insurance is two hundred and

  1. fifty thousand per person 500 000 per

accident that way if you hurt one person

you've got quite a bit of medical if you

injure multiple people it's less likely

you're going to get sued unless you have

a lot of income the property damage I

like to carry at least a hundred

thousand that way if you damage a nice

BMW or a nice vehicle then you're going

to have at least some or most of the

coverage if not all of the coverage that

you would typically need uninsured and

underinsured motorists those are pieces

I always add on that just protect you

any medical that you can give back to

yourself and then if you have a newer

vehicle full coverage the deductible I

try to go as low as possible without

going over the price that we want to be

at that's a quick snapshot of it in the

101 we go a little bit further in depth

in that as well for the home there's

just pieces I would always add on so

you've got the actual dwelling that's

actually going to be created by that

insurance company each company has an

estimate of a cost per square foot so

however many square feet you have above

ground they're going to calculate that

based off how much it costs to rebuild

typically it's 180 to 200 per square

foot unless you have a lot of updates or

upgrades to the home the pieces that a

lot of people don't realize on the home

is you want to have a couple things you

want to have water back up that's not

typically covered if water comes back

into the house toilet overflows sink

overflows something gets clogged you

want to have some coverage there I

default to 10 000 and then I recommend

more if you can afford it the medical

payments is automatic but a lot of

companies default to a thousand dollars

if somebody gets hurt in your home so

now because deductibles are higher

having five thousand is probably more

common it's not a very expensive thing

to add so it's a good piece to have the

other main piece that I personally make

sure that everybody gets is full

replacement cost on contents so we want

to have and make sure that your personal

belongings don't lose value over time

imagine if you had a fire and all of

your stuff went up in smoke you might

have had a 10 year old couch but are you

going to go Bargain shop for a 10 year

old couch and everything that you own no

it doesn't make sense so you're going to

get a lower amount for your personal

belong means you might as well have full

replacement cost so that you don't have

to worry about it they're going to give

you whatever the full value of that

couch purchased today so the three

thousand dollar couch you bought five

years ten years ago might be worth 200

today unused garage sale but to buy it

again is four thousand to buy you get

the 4 000 so that you don't have to

worry about going bargain shopping now

adding all of these pieces do create

some larger cost but in the home I would

rather have you have a larger deductible

I default to a thousand but we can go up

to fifteen hundred twenty five hundred

whatever the case is that fit your

budget so that way I'd rather you out of

pocket some extra money versus not

having enough coverage not having enough

coverage is 10 times worse than having

to pay a few dollars more if there's a

claim number seven what is the process

of filing an insurance claim it's

actually very simple so if you have a

claim here's what I recommend and I'll

tell you what here's what you should do

so I recommend that you talk to your

agent first if it's a major claim skip

this step if it's something minor and

you're not quite sure if it's worth it

talk to your agent or go to a body shop

get an estimate find out what the repair

would cost make sure that you always get

the license of the person if it's

something where you're kind of

questionable it would always be good to

have a police report in either scenario

I've seen so many people scammed because

they give you a fake ID or they didn't

give you theirinsurance information insurance information or

they didn't have any now there's no

proof that it was or wasn't your fault

in the scenario of what happens now the

police don't always determine the fault

but it gives you a good leg to stand on

especially if they're the one that

didn't cause the accident if that repair

is within reason you may want to just

fix it yourself and not worry about the

rate increase depending on the state

you're in if it's a major claim then

just go straight to the claims adjuster

when you look at your paperwork usually

on your ID card it'll actually have a

claims number if you have Towing call

the towing company get that all set up

whatever the case is but you call claims

number they're going to ask you the

situation calm down get your head on

let's figure this out out don't just

call them up and be like this should

happen and so you're freaking out and

then you just start blabbing because

whatever it is imagine you're being

interviewed this is almost like the

first response that you're going to say

if you say things incorrectly then you

don't want to be held liable for those

pieces if that wasn't the scenario get a

Cool Head figure out the situation if

you have a police report to back it up

that's even more powerful call the

claims adjuster make sure that you get

specific time frames adjusters can take

a few weeks to get everything finalized

so make sure that they're letting you

know what time frame you can expect or

call back whether you can have the car

in the shop right away how long it's

going to take to get the car fixed if

you have Rental Car Coverage then you

may also want to know about that too so

you can get a rental car while you're

waiting very similar scenario on the

home the unfortunate piece of the home

insurance is that is a little bit

riskier because there is no fault nine

times out of ten if you have a claim it

goes against the house and the house is

what you're insuring so your price goes

up no matter what if that happens then

you want to be mindful of is it worth

filing a claim if you do decide to file

a claim talk to your agent get the

advice same thing you call it the

adjuster and they send someone out to

inspect it most of the time if it's just

a common issue and you're not going over

the moon asking a ton of different

questions then they're not necessarily

going to pull up red flags usually it's

simple and easy to go through that

process depending on the company you

went with but as long as they're not

pulling up red flags now no one has to

inspect everything if that's the case

it's cut and dry and it's a simple

process I believe we're on Coach number

nine what is the insurance company's

Financial stability so this is very

simple there's something called am best

and they rank companies based on the

financial stability that's essentially

how much money and assets they have they

break them up into two pieces because

insurance companies have to have X

amount of money in the savings account

or in the bank so that if they do have

claims coming in all over they can pay

those it's one of the things we saw

recently like in Florida where these

companies went and solved it that means

they ran out of money and there's too

many claims the government had to step

in and they went bankrupt so there's six

seven I think even almost nine companies

that went bankrupt in Florida because of

all the claims they didn't plan on so

insurance companies are investing that

money so they want to take as much as

they can put in Investments grow the

stock grow the portfolio buy everything

they can on a low risk level and that's

how they make their profits they have to

have certain amount of Investments so

this am best you can go right to the

website I think it's the

stability of the company

most of the companies at least the ones

I've worked with and the ones we talk

about a lot are a rated or a plus rated

it's as simple as that it looks like a

grade report a b c d and they have

pluses and plus pluses the plus plus is

the max and that means they're the most

stable thing you can think of however

that doesn't mean that they're

necessarily going to pay claims they

could have a high stability but they

could be one of the worst companies for

paying claims because they're stingent

with the claim process and the money

going out just be careful when that

happens that am Best ratings don't

necessarily say how good a company is

it's the customer retention there's

actually a study done on several

companies that is more based on the

customer's interactions and the overall

satisfaction to me that's more powerful

but obviously we want to make sure that

we're not dealing with b and c rated

companies because they are very unstable

it leads to question number 10 which is

what is customer service like each

company is completely different in this

scenario what it should be like is very

helpful the small issue that we've run

Table of contents

into in 2022 going into 2023 and so on

and so forth is that customer service

has gone down considerably part of the

reason is the prices have gone up so

there's a lot more questions a lot more

service needed the other issue is

there's a lot more medical claims being

paid out in the last two years than

there ever has been there's been more

accidents so there's a lot more busyness

on top of that everybody is on delay so

getting the right parts getting the

right metals and all of that getting

things fixed is taking almost twice as

long and that's creating some issues

with service unfortunately your larger

box companies if they get overwhelmed

they're going to be slower they can

afford to lose the customers based on

satisfaction now that's not the

reasoning they want to do it but

unfortunately they haven't been able to

get to them because they don't have

enough resources to get the claims

pushed through that's one of the

downfalls of the smaller companies but

we're starting to see it with the larger

companies now to be honest with you

there are a few companies that I've

worked with in the past that are really

really good at letting the gray things

go and what I mean by great things is

you have your Cupboards in your not

covered it should be just a st