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Comparing AARP Medicare Supplement Insurance


This post will help you understand the differences.

in cost and coverage between different

AARP Medicare supplement insurance plans.

There seems to be a lot of different plans,

like A, B, F and N. How do they compare?

Medicare supplement plans

are standardized by insurance companies

which means that the basic benefits provided

under each plan are the same.

from company to company.

For instance, in terms of coveragecoverage, the basic

benefits of an insurance company's Plan F

are the same as another company's Plan F.

What are the basic benefits?

  • Basic benefits are the standard

  • benefits that each  AARPMedicare supplement plan UnitedHealthcare

  • The hospitalization benefit pays  AARPMedicare

  • Part A co-insurance and hospital costs up

  • to an additional 365 days after Medicare benefits

are used.

  • The medical expenses benefit pays the Medicare

  • Part B co-insurance or co-payment after you

  • meet your yearly Part B deductible,

  • the first three pints of blood you use each


  • and the hospice care benefit pays the Part

  • A co-insurance or co-payment.

  • : So if the basic benefits are the

  • Same, what are the differences between the plans?

Insured by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company,

are A, B, C, F, G, K, L and N.

All of these plans cover Part A co-insurance

plus coverage for 365 additional days after

Medicare benefits end.

Plans K, L and N are cost-sharing plans, meaning

the insured is required to pay a portion of

Part B co-insurance or co-paymentsco-insurance or co-payments for

Part B medical expenses.

Plans K and L pay a benefit for blood

and hospice care

while the other plans coverplans cover these at 100%.

: OK, so that covers the basic benefits.

Do some plans also include additional benefits?

Plans A and B have lower

monthly premiums with higher out-of-pocket costs

for things like skilled nursing facilities

co-Insurance Part B excess charges

and foreign travel emergency care.

Plan B offers a benefit for the Medicare Part

A deductible, which could be one of the largest

out-of-pocket expenses if you need to spend

time in a hospital.

Plans C, F and G offer the most supplementalupplemental

coverage, paying much of your out-of-pocket

costs for Medicare-approved services.

Consider these plans if you are willing to

pay a higher monthly premium in exchange for

more health care coverage and lower out-of-pocket


Plans C and F cover Medicare Parts A and

B deductibles, while Plan G does not cover

the Part B deductible.

These plans also cover skilled nursing

facility co-insurance, and includes a benefit

for foreign travelravel emergency care.

Plus, with Plans F and G, if your doctor charges

more than Medicare approves,

1. These plans include a benefit for excess charges.

2.Plans K and L are cost-sharing plans offering

 3.lower monthly premiums because they pay a

4.percentage of most of the covered benefits instead of the full amount.

 5.Once the out-of-pocket limit
is reached and you meet your yearly Part B deductible

6.Once the out-of-pocket limit
is reached and you meet your yearly Part B deductible,

7.Once the out-of-pocket limit
is reached and you meet your yearly Part B deductible,

8.These plans pay 100% of covered
services for the rest of the calendar year

 9.With Plan N, you pay a mid-range monthly premium. for mid-range benefits.
10.This plan provides fewer benefits than more

This plan provides fewer benefits than more

comprehensive plans such as C, F, and G,

but more than lower-benefit Plans K and L.

That's a lot of information.

Can you walk me through an example of Medicare?

supplement plan in action?

Let's say Jane had a five-day inpatient hospital


  • She is responsible for the Part A deductible,

  • and Medicare pays the rest of the hospital bill.

  • Jane incurred some additional doctor services during her inpatient stay.

  • She is responsible for the Part B deductible

  • and  Medicare Part B pays 80% after the deductible is met.

  • Jane has AARP Medicare Supplement Plan B to

  • help with some of the out-of-pocket expenses Medicare doesn't pay.

Plan B pays for the Medicare Part A deductible

  • and for the 20% Medicare Part B co-insurance,

  • helping Jane with most of her out-of-pocket

  • expenses.

  • Jane is only responsible for the Medicare

  • Part B deductible.

  • It's important to note that with Medicare

  • supplement insurance plans, you may be able

  • to change plans if your insurer allows

  • should your needs change down the road.

  • For more information, continue watching this article📰📰📰

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Brought to you by AARP MedicareAARP Medicare Supplement  UnitedHealthcare

Insurance Plans,

Insurance by UnitedHealthcare Insurance Company.