How to start diabetes Issues

 Hello, friends.Today's shaer is about Diabetes. 

What work? Foot Amputations

Today's shaer is about Diabetes.

What work? Foot Amputations

What does it mean?

Patients with diabetes, when their feet get ulcers

Patients with diabetes, when their feet get ulcers

the doctors had to amputate that part of the leg to save their lives.

His day-to-day life was going perfectly,

and one day, himself was diagnosed with diabetes.

Because he had done so many foot amputation operations, he himself got very scared.

Because what is the end of diabetes?

Either prostate problems or

Issues with eye sight

foot amputation, i.e., to cut the foot

Alzheimer or cancer

He got so scared; he used to do two hours of exercise every day.

So, why did he get diabetes?

 "What if we are wrong about diabetes?"

In that post, he explains how the medical stream is wrong?

And how should we really treat diabetes?

Today, Ddoesn't have the diabetes problem.

You can watch his Ted Talk by yourself.

So, in today's I will discuss the same thing.

Why is the wrong treatment happening?

What are the reasons for diabetes?
Which hormones get imbalanced?

How can we reverse diabetes?

I have unlimited testimonials from my clients,

those who have maintained their fasting glucose levels

post meal glucose levels

they have maintained everything. They have maintained their sugar

India has become the world's diabetes capital.

Do you know why?

The way we put the food on the plate

If you learn how to distribute the food in your plate

So, after today's article📰📰📰 diabetes will not only be controlled but also be reversed.

Share this as much as you can.

You might or might not get benefit from it

but someone in your family or friend list

someone will surely benefit from it.

So, let us first understand where diabetes starts from

Diabetes starts with insulin resistance.

What is insulin?

It is a hormone

which is released by the organ called the "pancreas."

When is it released?

After you consume your meal,

sugar inside your blood started to rise,

Now this sugar can not stay in your blood, it has to go inside the cells.

To do what?

To make the energy

If the food gives you more energy,

this means that you do not have insulin resistance

If only a bit of food makes you fat,

this implies that you have insulin resistance.

And after 4, 5, or 8 years, you will get diabetes, or you might already be suffering from it.

Truth be told, I sympathize a lot with fat people,

you see they eat a lot less than us. Sometimes, I can eat 5 meals a day

What do they do? They give me energy.

Your insulin hormone

which is released by your pancreas,

it decides whether the food will give you energy or make you fat.

The day you take control of insulin hormone,

that day your diabetes will reverse and you will also experience permanent weight loss.

Jyoti Ji has given us a testimonial

She said, "Palak! I have not done any dieting for 2-3 months as there was a marriage ceremony at home.

What I observed during the ceremony was, the more I ate, the more energy I used to feel.

I did not become fat.


Because their insulin hormone was fixed by our diet and lifestyle tips

which in today's I'll fix for you.

Just understand a little bit of science.

so that you don't go left and right and follow the true approach

to control your insulin hormone

to control your obesity

to control diabetes

and the problems due to diabetes.

How does a person know that he is suffering from diabetes?

A person consumed the meal,

and then the sugar level in the blood started to increase.

The pancreas releases insulin and the work of insulin is to take the sugar to the cell.

Insulin is the key

which unlocks the cell and puts the sugar in it.

But your cells have become insulin resistant.

It means that the insulin is being released but your cells are not getting affected.

Why did it happen like this?

Why has your body stopped responding to insulin?

When the cells become insulin resistant i.e. they do not detect insulin,

the sugar level in your blood remains high.

Then the person wonders, why is it urinating so much?

Why is the thirst increasing so much?

Why do I always feel tired?

Why the hunger has increased?

Why are the wounds and cuts taking time to heal?

Why is there a tingling sensation in the hands and feet?

These are all signs of diabetes.

So, what the doctor does is give you insulin.

We don't have to take insulin.

The pancreas is already releasing insulin.

The pancreas observes that the insulin is coming from outside

they start to shut down and then your organs stop releasing insulin.

then what happens is that your dose increases and increases further

This is the wrong approach.

We have to teach your cells to react to insulin.

First of all, try to understand why your cells become insulin resistant?

Why has your body stopped reacting to insulin?

Why when I eat the food,

My insulin hormone takes the sugar to the cells and yours doesn't?

Why is that so?

It happened because you need to understand

The insulin hormone gets released depending upon the carbohydrates in your food.

I consume very few carbohydrates.

You, on the other hand, consume a lot of carbohydrates. You will say Palak we don't.

Let me make you understand.

How the whole population of India

is making the mistake?

Imagine this is your plate.

First off, you put some rotis on your plates. What are rotis? Carbohydrates

then you put some pulses.

Pulses are also 50% carbohydrates.

After that you put peas and potatoes

Potatoes are also carbohydrates, and peas are also carbohydrates

Carrots also contain carbohydrates.

There are low-carb vegetables as well.

We people don't find them delicious.

So what is on your plate?

Carbs, Carbs, Carbs, Carbs.

Add a bit of desi ghee, just a bit of it, only one spoon.

So, 10% fat gets added due to Desi Ghee.

10% protein, which came from the pulses.

What else is left?

Carbohydrates, you are consuming 80% carbohydrates in your meal

How much carbohydrate does a diabetes patient consume?


How much are you consuming?


If a person is not suffering from diabetes

so how much carbohydrate should he consume?


This is the mistake we are making.

Increase your ghee, increase the fat and reduce the carbs.

Everyone in the family will get diabetes but you will not.


You have changed your eating habits.

What should you eat for breakfast?

Eat butter, ghee, put some malai in the tea

consume soaked dry fruits

consume seeds

My dad was pre-diabetic seven years ago, but now, there is no sign of diabetes.

because we made him do intermittent fasting

meaning do not consume anything in the morning

and if you feel like eating consume seeds

Use the same method for lunch

Fats and Protein above & Carbohydrate below

If you are finding difficulty in hearing, go to my website,

download the free diabetes diet plan from there

Consume it yourself and also feed it to your kids whether or not there is a diabetes patient in the home.

You will start to become lean.


Because the other name of insulin is the fat storing hormone

Insulin is not working, but that does not mean that the pancreas is not releasing insulin.

On top of that, the medical stream is giving you more insulin.

So the whole approach is wrong.

You will say Palak, I am in the middle of diabetes.

I am diabetic. What should I do now?

First of all, you have to start using a B12 supplement.

When you take the B12 supplement

Your neuropathy will stop. The tingling in your hands and feet will stop.

The problem with your kidney will stop.

All of the neuropathy that has been happening

The nerves are getting weak due to the eyes getting weak and there is a prostate problem.

All of those problems will be cured.

After that, if you still have any confusion or any severe symptoms,

You can talk to my health expert.

Free Consultation

Guys, take diabetes in your hands because its end result is not good.

Insulin hormone is destroying yourself internally.

Make your body sensitive again.

To react to the insulin

by consuming fewer carbohydrates.

I hope this video was useful. Please share this video as much as you can

and if in your house

Someone is suffering from diabetes.

The biggest gift you can give to them is the B12 supplement.

Thank you so much. I will meet you in next time will then take care

Take care and Bye!

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