Try at home bubble tea 4 recipe to try at home

i'm super excited for today's article📰📰📰

because we're going to be making a whole

bunch of bubble tea 🍵🍵recipes

so bubble tea is a drink that originated

in taiwan and it consists of a sweetened

tea some kind of milk and then the best

part in my opinion are these chewy

tapioca pearls if you can't find the

pearls at your local grocery store or if

you don't love them you can still make

these drinks they're perfect for the

summer they're incredibly refreshing so

we're going to be making four flavors in

total in today's video let's get started

so we're going to start with preparing

the tapioca pearls first and we just

bought ours from our local asian

supermarket it beats making it yourself

at home which can be a lot of work and

each of the drinks that we're going to

be making today serves two people all

together but you can always scale that

up or down with the scaling feature on

our website depending on how much you'd

like to make

so we're going to start with cooking

about half of a cup of pearls according

to the package instructions which for us

meant cooking it in boiling water for

about six minutes

while that's cooking away we're gonna

make a simple syrup and you can do this

in two ways the first is to add two

tablespoons of brown sugar and two

tablespoons of boiling water to a bowl

and then whisk it vigorously so that all

the sugar dissolves

then when the pearls are cooked we're

gonna drain it rinse it under cold water

this helps to stop the cooking process

and then we can add it to the jar with

the syrup and give it all a stir the

syrup actually helps to keep the pearls

from sticking together

so traditionally bubble tea is quite

sweet that's how it's supposed to be but

the benefit of making it yourself at

home is that you get to decide how sweet

you'd like yours to be so ours are

actually much less sweet than what you

would normally buy if you're getting it

at a shop but you can always taste test

it later and add more if you'd like to

the second way to sweeten the pearls is

just to add the drained and rinsed

pearls to a bowl and then you can add

some maple or agave syrup to it and once

you've stirred it through it's ready to

use it's that simple all right so now

that we know how to make the pearls

let's explore making different bubble

tea flavors

for the first recipe we'll be making an

ube flavored bubble tea

so we're gonna start with making a

simple black tea using about two

tablespoons of loose leaf tea or you

could use a couple of tea bags if you'd

prefer i personally love the bergamot

flavor that's in earl grey tea so that's

what i'm using here but feel free to use

just a regular black tea if you prefer

then we're going to pour over top of it

about a cup of boiling water and then

let this sit to steep for about five


so ube is a purple yam and it has a very

delicious distinct flavor it's very

commonly used in desserts in the

filipino cuisine so we actually just

have this ube spread that we got from

our local asian supermarket it's kind of

like a jam but if it's easier for you to

access something like pureed ube that

you might find in your freezer section

or powdered ube feel free to use those

instead so we're going to scoop up about

a quarter of a cup of the ube spread and

we're going to add it to a bowl and then

we're going to mix it together with a

small splash of plant milk just to thin

it out a little bit

and now we can already assemble our

drinks so we're going to be using the

maple syrup sweetened pearls this time

adding it to our cups and then we're

going to top it with the ube spread

we're then going to pile high a bunch of

ice and then we can pour our unsweetened

plant milk over top of that we're using

soy milk here and then finally we're

going to pour the tea on the top

the sweetness of ube paste can actually

vary quite a bit from brand to brand so

consider adding a little bit less to

start and you can always add more later

if you'd like the taste to be more

prominent or if you'd like it to be more


and once you're ready just give it all a

swirl to combine the layers and you're

ready to enjoy it

so this next bubble tea that we're

making is inspired by thai iced teas

so thai iced teas are known for their

vibrant orange color which comes from a

food coloring that's added to the tea

we're not going to add any food coloring

what we're going to do instead is we're

going to add some rooibos tea leaves

because this already has its own natural

orange color so to a saucepan we're

gonna add a cup of water and then a

tablespoon each of loose rooibos tea

leaves and black tea leaves but you

could just use tea bags if you'd prefer

and then we're gonna add the spices

which is two each of star anise and ice anise

i honestly still don't know how to say

it two whole cloves and two cracked

cardamom pods as well this is gonna give

the tea a delicious flavor

and then once it starts to boil we're

gonna actually just remove it from the

heat cover it and let it sit for about

an hour to steep

once the tea is done steeping we're

gonna place a sieve over top of the jar

and then we're gonna strain the tea into

the jar removing all of those leaves and

the spices then we can add a teaspoon of

vanilla extract

and stir this through

and now we can start to assemble our

drink so we're going to add a little bit

of optional sweetened condensed coconut

milk to each cup this is also what makes

it taste like it's thai inspired and

then we're going to scoop some of the

brown sugar coated pearls into each

glass fill the cups with plenty of ice

and we'll follow this up with a cup of

your favorite plant-based milk we're

using barista oat milk here for its

thick and creamy texture and then

finally we're gonna pour the tea over

top of it


this bubble tea is so incredibly tasty

the sweetened condensed coconut milk you

can always add a little bit more if you

want it more sweet or you could leave it

out all together again it's optional i

think of all of the drinks this one

might be my favorite


for this next recipe we'll be making

this beautifully layered brown sugar

matcha boba

we'll start with sifting about two

teaspoons of premium grade matcha into a

bowl and then we're gonna add some hot

but not boiling water over top of it

then we're gonna whisk it until it

starts to foam a little bit then we're

gonna add a teaspoon of vanilla extract

to the matcha and then we're going to

whisk it one more time

that's pretty much all we have to do now

we're ready to assemble our drinks so in

this case we're going to be using the

brown sugar pearls and then after that

by now you know the drill we're going to

top those with plenty of ice before we

pour the milk over top of it we're using

some barista oat milk here and then

finally we'll pour over the matcha

so one little tip if you want to keep

your bubble tea in these beautiful

distinct little layers try to aim your

matcha to hit the top of an ice cube

that just helps to break its fall or you

could pour it onto the back of a spoon

hovering just on top of the milk that

should keep the layer separated matcha

tastes quite earthy so coating the chewy

pearls in a brown sugar syrup really

balances the flavors incredibly nicely

if you're someone who hasn't warmed up

to the idea of matcha yet i definitely

recommend trying it iced i feel like it

mellows out the earthiness makes it

taste so much more fresh

for the final recipe we're making a

strawberry milk bubble tea

traditionally bubble tea as the name

would suggest it has some kind of tea in

it but sometimes when you go to the

store and you buy the fruity variety

they leave the tea out and that's also

what we're going to do in this

particular recipe but if you do want to

add some tea of course you're always

welcome too to a saucepan we're going to

add one and a half cups of frozen

strawberries and a tablespoon of

optional sugar we're then going to cook

this on medium heat until the

strawberries have thawed out a little

bit now if you prefer you can leave this

chunky just mash it a little bit with

your spatula or what i like to do at

this point is to use an immersion

blender just to puree the berries

once it's pureed we're going to set it

aside to cool for a little bit while we

prepare the milk so to a pitcher i'm

gonna add two thirds of a cup of

unsweetened oat milk and two tablespoons

of vegan whipping cream and a teaspoon

of vanilla extract and we're gonna mix

this all together

whenever you're ready to assemble the

drinks we're just gonna add some of the

agave sweetened pearls to our cups this

time we're going to follow it up with

some of that beautiful pink strawberry

puree the ice goes in next filling it

right to the top of the cup and then

we're going to pour that creamy vanilla

milk over top of it all

if you want to add some fresh

strawberries as well for more fruitiness

you can definitely do that too

the strawberries make this taste

incredibly summery but because it uses

frozen berries it's a drink that you can

make and enjoy all year round and using

the whipping cream here is optional but

it gives the milk a thicker and creamier

texture that pairs so well with the

strawberries it even kind of makes it

taste like it's a milkshake

oh that's really good

if you don't have quick and easy access

to bubble tea shops where you live you

are in for a real treat when you make

these yourself at home where honestly

even if you do have access it's fun

tinkering and playing around with your

own flavors so if you give the recipes

in today's video a try i hope you enjoy

them the full breakdown to all of them

as always the links are in the

description box below and if you did

enjoy today's video feel free to give it

a thumbs up it always really means a lot

when you do and that's it for today

friends thanks so much for hanging with

me pick up limes signing off and we'll

see you in the next video so

is a purple it's not a sweet potato

actually i think it's a yam no okay so


all right you all ready

just starting

okay hold on

that's embarrassing


there we go

well shoot

hey little guy oh my god i wish because

you can't see how small it is look at


he's so tiny

oh he's so close

oh and you pooped good job and then add more or less depending

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