Do you know An helthy products in your kitchen

 In today's article I will discuss five products

which are found in your kitchen,

which affects your health and the health of your children as well.


Heart Attack

Joint Pain

Blood Pressure, are the diseases caused by these products

Do share this article because we have to start from our own kitchen.

In my list of five products, the first dangerous product is vegetable oil.

Functional doctors like Dr. Cate Shanahan

considers vegetable oil more dangerous than cigarette smoking. They call it the silent killer.

Because these vegetable oils are very rich in Omega 6 Fatty Acid

Our body needs Omega 6, but in a very small quantity.

When Omega 6 increases in our body,

Then the body starts to experience inflammation.

What are the inflammations?

Blood pressure, that is Arterial Inflammation

Joint Pain, that is, Joint Inflammation

In our bodies,




Swelling under the eyes

Sometimes, dark circles

These vegetable oils are very unstable.

At high temperatures, they get oxidized.

When vegetable oils are heated at a high temperature,

It releases a compound called "dicarbonyl".

Dicarbonyl causes the gene mutation and directly grows the cancer cells

and due to oxidized fat, your DNA also gets damaged.

DNA damage is very difficult to reverse because at that point, your body is already affected by the disease.

So, what will you use instead of vegetable oil?

Ghee, Butter, Coconut Oil

Sometimes in between, you can also use mustard oil

or non-extra virgin olive oil

Apart from this, you don't have to use any other oil for heating purposes.

The second dangerous product is non-stick pans.

Non-stick pans contain a coating of Teflon.

After heating for five minutes, they start to release fluorochemicals.

If a bird inhales those fluorochemicals, it dies instantly.

So, what would you use?

Iron Utensils

Stainless steel

Glass Utensils

Copper Utensils but not that much, or else the copper will increase in your body

or ceramic cookware.

I have mentioned in my old videos that you can use ceramic cookware,

Now, in this post the ceramic cookware has come into the grey zone

because ceramic pans are very expensive.

As videos like this came onto the market two-three years ago,

Manufacturers have started to produce cheap ceramic pans that contain nanoparticles.

These nanoparticles go directly inside your body and harm you.

The third product is jams.

The product we used to put on the bread in our childhood.

What is Jam?




and sweeteners

That's it

The fruits, be they strawberry or blueberry, don't have anti-oxidants in them.

Jam is made at a high temperature and under high pressure,

and its nutritional value and all the nutrients in it become zero.

Apart from that, the dirty secret is

to make the jam cheaper, the fruits which are not suitable for consumption

which are rotten, same in the case of wine.

People often say that to consume wine, it is better but the grapes used in it are moldy.

They contain salaba.

By using fruits that are rotten, we get the perfect jam.

The fourth product is sugar.

People ask me, "Palak! How do you look so young? "

The first task is to go to your kitchen and throw away the sugar

Sugar sticks to the protein in your skin and is the biggest cause for the aging.

The white coating on your tongue will go away

Tooth decay will stop.

Instead of sugar, you can use Stevia.

You will say, Stevia is very much bitter.

You are using it in a wrong way.

You are adding a little more than the amount of stevia you need.

Put it less

Make your body get used to the taste of Stevia.

Because sugar is very acidic.

Another name for sugar is acid white crystals.

which directly feeds your cancer cells, tumor cells and bad bacteria.

The fifth product is honey.

This type of honey that you consume is nothing.

It's like fructose corn syrup.

Throw it away.

Instead of that, you will use raw honey.

The raw honey is not heated at a high temperature.

Again, the pressure, temperature, all of this is enemy of

live enzymes, antioxidants and nutrients in your body.

Raw honey has a very effective anti-microbial effect.

It means that if someone is sick in your home, or is suffering from a virus,

If you give them raw honey, they will recover very swiftly.

So guys, I hope this vide is useful and if you want more post like this, write in the comment section.

Thank you so much for watching.

I will see you in the next article📰📰📰

Take care of yourself.

Take care and Bye.

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