How to make teeth stronger naturally

  I was just taking care of my Oral Health. 

I thought I have not done any articles 📰📰📰 on Oral Health

So, as we age, we experience discoloration, yellowness of our teeth

especially for women smile is the most beautiful thing so what all I do for my oral health? Number One

I will give you small tips but first I will start with this. I have braces.

So, you guys know that we get calcium deposits on our teeth

For example, I have a gap in my lower teeth and a gap in my upper teeth and it fills up with deposits as we age

So, Why does it get filled?

It gets calcium deposits that is why we use Vitamin K2 with Vitamin D


Because the calcium doesn't know where to go, it starts to get absorbed in different parts of the body

For example, in your arteries

and then calcium oxalate stones, Right?

In a similar way, calcium gets deposited in the teeth due to which we get stones. So, I am going to clean it.  

I was about to do it, then I thought I should do it with you guys 

there are three modes 




The gap you see in between the teeth starts to get filled with Calcium stones

Now, I should rinse my mouth 

but I am not doing it, I will clean a bit more


Yeah, I use this to get rid of calcium deposits from my teeth

Calcium deposits weaken the root of your teeth

That's Tip Number One

Tip Number Two

At the night, I do a gum massage

Massage helps in increasing the blood flow 

you can also do it with gloves but I wash my hands 

properly and then I do a massage in round 

 So if you are experiencing any type of pain in your gums, so what you need in that area is blood flow

So, you need to massage your gums

and number third is for anti-bacterial effect,

I don't have mouthwash, I use coconut pulling  

because coconut has anti-bacterial 

properties. I do it three times a week  

or four times a week so you take coconut oil 

and then you gargle it 

it becomes like foam. You can do it for 5,7 or 8 minutes

that is number two third and number four 

I do it sometimes for teeth whitening now listen  

very carefully three percent hydrogen 

peroxide with little bit of baking soda  

and again massage on my teeth because it can cause 

to discoloration 

Two times in a week

Because I am a coffee drinker

i was having my coffee and coffee stain your 

teeth okay and smile is beautiful 

With age, your teeth start to become yellowish

there so these are the four things I do 

I will give you one small tip. There is even scientific research for that.

What we usually do while brushing in the morning is that we wet the brush and then apply toothpaste

So, do not wash the brush. Just put the paste in and brush your teeth.

I do not do anything unless there is scientific research backing it.

so water is a kind of dilution that whiten things


So, these are the four tips. What else do I do apart from that?

you can look at my tongue I do not have any white 

deposits on my tongue the reason is 

I take a low-carb diet. I do not eat a biscuit, rusk, or roti. bread that's why i do not have a deposit on my tongue

In your mouth, you have bacterial colony hair they they 

feed on sugar and carbohydrates is a sugar  

and that is why my mouth doesn't stink. that's true I always kiss 

my daughter Sophie I give her a smooch  

right in the bed so when I go to wake up Sophie, I smooch her AND

her mouth never stinks even before brushing the 

reason is she has a very good bacterial colony  

one more thing which I practiced when I was 

in the corporate sector.

In the corporate sector, back in old days, about 10 years ago

I was not into health and I used to eat biscuits with tea, and have rotis. At that time I was new in Germany.

So, I used to go to the meetings and what happens there is 

people are sitting right next to you, Right?

So, you need to be a lot more careful that you do not have a bad breath.

So, In Germany, there are rooms which are soundproof 


So, I used to go to the room and do singh asana and what is sing asana??  

You sit like a tiger or a lion and then you make a sound with your mouth while taking out your tongue

 You can google about it and it was 

so effective 

"So effective, you know"

Singh asana helps you get the smell out of your mouth.


For the bad bacteria, I take the pre-probiotic powder  

and I take xylitol-based chewing 

That is how I made B12 pills because it has Xylitol

is a sweetener and will sweeten it up. It kills bad bacteria and there are even now Xylitol based toothpaste

which I will launch very soon because when I go to India, I take Xylitol-based toothpaste with me

So, the things I do not get in India, I launch them so that other people could also benefit from them

do share this information  

I think it's important it's the  

seven tips are from the world-renowned 

doctors I learned I always learn from doctors

Whenever I have to learn about something, of course, I do not get dream about it

what I do is let's say I want to read about 

oral health or PCOS or tyrant what do I do?

This is my way of mastering a subject.

I go Io and I put in the title, let's say tooth decay and I see who are  

the world's best doctors and if they have websites and I start reading their websites

and then I look if these doctors are associated with any businesses

may be he is writing because 

he's associated with some business so 

he always put the links to the resources  

and then I click on the resources and cross-check whether the resources are credible.

Who has funded the study? whether a business or corporate is behind it.

that's how I check and get my 

knowledge into my practice 

Bye Guys Bye

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