How to stop pimples coming on face


Today's article📰📰📰 is about



adult acne

After watching today's article 📰📰📰

The way you will approach acne and pimples

They will not appear again

Because I will tell you

How to treat it externally?

What to apply to face?

How to treat it internally?

When you take the internal approach

like, Why is it happening to you only?

Why isn't it happening to people around you?

Then acne doesn't appear again

We will understand the type of acne

To treat them the way they need to be treated

Watch this article 📰📰📰 till the end

At the end of the article 📰📰📰

 I will give you a simple face pack to put on 

You don't need to depend on those face wash and creams

that says it will control oil 

Because acne and pimples

appear where the oil production is more

Do you know why?

Because among us all

the skin never gets oily or dry 

A healthy body knows

its dryness outness, it will produce oil 

And when there is humidity outside

it will dry out the skin

I love my skin during winters 


The weather gets dry outside

And when I wake up in the morning

my face has this glow of natural oil production

These oil-control and pimple-control facewashes 

have more risks involved

Because your skin has a barrier

it damages that also

When it gets damaged

the oil production of the skin increases

because skin notices

that they are extracting out its natural oil

As it is related to face

if you get a tiny bump also 

you see it 100 times a day

you don't like it

Then these pimple, acne increases so much

get inflamed and fills with pus

Who likes all these things on their face!!!

It is a fact 

acne and pimples appear mostly where 

the oil production is more

In your body

How does this balance got disturbed?

Why your body is producing oil in excess?

It has 4 big reasons

Food Intolerance

Chemical and Hard Products

that you put on your face externally

 to control the oil 

Sluggish Detox System

I will explain you in a simple language

And Hormonal Imbalance

Let's first talk about 

Food Intolerance

There are various types of food that the body doesn't tolerate

and makes acne appear

But researchers have noticed this time and again

those Dairy Products

The biggest study ever done 

they have noticed that

in the high school

those students are having pimples who are

consuming dairy products a lot

Now, one approach is also 

that you cancel out dairy products completely

Or another approach is

You are consuming dairy, the other person is also consuming it

Why is it you the only one that is having acne?

The cause is in your gut

When you will work on your gut or digestion

You can easily digest milk also

but for the time being

you have to avoid milk and dairy products

You can consume curd and buttermilk sometimes

To heal your gut, you need to take 

L-Glutamine Powder

5mg every day, empty stomach

Need to take Pre and Probiotic Powder

So that, the good bacteria grow and the bad ones eliminate

If you have increased protein in your diet 

after watching my videos

it may happen that you are getting difficulty digesting the protein

Hence, digest the protein

using Apple Cider Vinegar

The first thing to do is

Gut killing proteins

that are present in dairy and gluten

stop intaking them

Integrate Gut healing foods into your body

The second type of acne are

Hormonal acne

Hormonal acne has this indication

it appears around the jawline

And it appears every month at the same time

maybe a few days before periods

That means Estrogen Dominance

Take Dim supplement to cure it

I have created various videos on Estrogen Dominance

You can watch these videos

If you want immediate relief from acne

You have to take supplements only

to heal your body from within

The third and last reason is 

Sluggish Detox System

You urinate!

Kidney detox through urination

You poop!

Your digestion system removes waste by pooping

You sweat!

Your skin detoxifies

Maybe you are dealing with constipation

toxins went back in

Maybe you are not intaking water much

there is a smell in your urine

or it is yellow in color

or maybe you are not doing enough activities 

that causes sweating

It's winter nowadays,

If you can't do the exercise

you can visit saunas

Now it can happen where you say 

Palak! I have all the three problems

From where I should start?

You need to start from,

 just note it down

Go to my website

download the autoimmune diet plan

this is all gluten and dairy-free

You will take Liver Detox and Dim Supplement

If you want a powerful detox for your body

Enemas, don't do it frequently 

Do enemas once in 40 days

Now, I am at the end of the video 

I will tell you about that mask

I was very happy while researching about it

I was like Oh man! This is such a common thing in India!!

But I never took it too seriously!!!

And that is Multani mitti

Bentonite Clay

This bentonite clay

pulls out the toxins from the skin

it cleanses the pores

that will not inflammate or will not get filled with pus

have anti-bacterial and anti-inflammatory effects

If you want to reduce the oil-production

It absorbs that oil Today's article📰📰📰 is about

You really don't need to run after those facewashes

To make this mask

take Bentonite clay in a bowl

add buttermilk to it

Buttermilk has probiotics

On your skin also

good bacteria will grow

and bad bacteria get eliminated

And add a few drops of Apple Cider Vinegar

Mix it till you get the pudding-like consistency 

then apply it to your face

Don't do it more than twice a week

With this, you will get external relief

and things I have told you earlier

will get internally also

Your acne will never appear again

Do share this article

Because this is the right approach

those facewash and creams will not save you 

Thank you, Guys!

I will meet you in the next article 📰📰📰

Take care and Bye!

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