does your mid-back hurt when you look
down if you get pain in your middle back
between your shoulder blades when you
tuck your chin and stretch the back of
your neck I'll explain what's causing it
and how you can fix it in this article 📰📰📰
hey beautiful humans I'm Sookie Baxter
founder of whole body revolution where I
help you to rewire yourself for greater
health happiness and success if you're
middle back pain most people are
treating the symptom and not the problem
in order to understand why your mid-back
hurts when you look down it's important
to know that there are actually two
types of tight muscles those that are
locked short and those that are locked
long in the case of middle back pain the
muscles that are actually causing the
problem are the ones that are locked
short tight chest and shoulder muscles
these pull your shoulders into a forward
rounded curve and stretching the muscles
along your back and spine which are then
locked long or basically stuck in an
isometric contraction pulling against
the shortened muscles of your chest if
you'll pain in your back and shoulder
muscles because they're constantly being
stretched this is the same type of pain
that you would feel if you stretched
your hamstrings for example except that
it's prolonged unfortunately we don't
usually notice that muscles are tight
until we try to use them or stretch them
so most people are addressing the
painful muscles in their back with
massages and foam rollers and totally
ignoring their tight chest muscles which
generally don't hurt and while massaging
your back might give you temporary
relief what we really need to do is
relax your tight chest muscles to
restore balance to your back and
shoulders now before we get into the
exercises that I would recommend to
stretch your shoulders and fix your
mid-back pain I just want to note that
when you had muscle tension in an area
of your body for many many years it has
become a nerve
habit studies have shown that this kind
of chronic subconscious tension persists
at all times even when you're asleep
simply doing a stretch once or twice
won't completely eradicate the problem
for long-term relief you're going to
need to re pattern your postural habits
through practices that essentially reset
your nervous system releasing stored
stress and tension these exercises that
I'm going to show you are a good place
to start but for a deeper discussion of
how your body gets tight check out the
free pain free at any age series
linked in the description box below okay
let's get into the exercises okay so the
first exercise that I'm going to show
you is a simple band pull exercise you
will need some kind of elastic band or
Thera band for this practice so go ahead
and hold your band in front of you
you're gonna wrap it around your hands
so that you've got it securely depending
on how strong your band is you may need
to widen your grip or narrow your grip
but you can adjust as we go and all
you're going to do is simply bring the
band in front of you keep your elbows
parallel to the floor so not too low not
too high but nice and parallel and
you're simply going to squeeze the
muscles at the base of your shoulder
blades so crush your mid-back together
to draw your elbows back and stretch the
band so it looks like this
now some things to note I am not opening
my arm to stretch the man so this isn't
about this kind of a movement where I'm
actually using my elbow to open the man
I'm really squeezing my back and
squeezing my shoulder blades together to
draw the band wider my elbow angle stays
exactly the same you really want to
focus on squeezing the muscles at the
base of your shoulder blades here and
not the muscles at the tops of your
shoulders you do not want your shoulders
to shrug up as you're doing this so you
don't want this kind of a thing going on
where your elbows are coming up as you
do it
but you also don't want your elbows to
drop down so commonly when I am showing
this exercise to people I see one or
both elbows kind of go down like this
and then you're using really more
shoulder muscles here in the upper arm
rather than the muscles of your back so
you want to keep your elbows nice and
parallel and squeeze your shoulder
blades together I recommend doing this
throughout the day particularly if this
has been a postural habit for a long
time this is a very easy exercise to do
quickly and periodically throughout the
day it doesn't take a lot of space and
it doesn't take a lot of time to do it
anywhere between about five and ten
repetitions at a time is a good place to
start okay for this next exercise go
ahead and come to a wall and place your
hands on the wall above your head but
not as high as you can reach and then
what you're going to do is keeping your
arms nice and straight you're going to
bring your chest close to the wall
and this will start to open up the front
of your body and we're just gonna hang
out here for a moment
reaching your chest as close to the wall
and the floor as you can so that you get
a nice stretch through your arms through
the front of your shoulder through your
chest making sure that you are breathing
really pushing your chest towards the
wall making sure you're not hyper
extending your low back good now put
your arms on the wall straight out in
front of you in line with your shoulders
palms flat and you're going to step back
and come down bringing your chest
towards the floor again keeping a
neutral spine so make sure that you're
not hyper extending your back as you do
this but that you're lifting your
tailbone towards the sky and pressing
your chest towards the floor and then go
ahead and release that for this next
exercise you will need a kettlebell and
I will link to my favorite source for
buying kettlebells in the description
box below if you don't have a kettlebell
you can sub in a dumbbell for a short
term but I do really like this equipment
for this exercise so what you're going
to do is lie on the floor and I'm gonna
take the cattle belt you're gonna place
it next to your shoulder now you want to
be using a kettlebell that you can
comfortably lift so this kettlebell
weighs 12 kilos that might be too much
for you or it might be too little for
you so you're gonna have to experiment
and see what works for you what you're
gonna do is you're going to press the
kettlebell straight out and keeping your
right knee bent you're gonna keep your
arm locked out you're going to bring
your left arm overhead and you're gonna
press your right foot into the floor and
you're going to roll to your left side
keep your eye on the kettlebell and
you're gently at this point going to
bring your right leg across bring your
right hip
down to the floor and press the right
side of your chest towards the floor as much
as you can.
you'll feel a contraction through the
muscles in your back on the right
shoulder and a nice stretch along the
front and then reverse the process
coming back to the original starting
point lower the kettlebell and we'll do
the other side so from this side you're
going to take your left hand you're
gonna lock the kettlebell out keeping
your arm straight elbow straight
shoulder locked left knee is bent right
arm comes up above your head you're
gonna press your left foot into the
floor your left hip is going to come up
roll across your body from this
standpoint it really helps to keep your
eye on the kettlebell it helps with the
balance on your left foot across and I
find here I'm stable enough to bring my
head down and work my chest down toward
the floor again you'll feel a
contraction through the muscles in the
left shoulder and the back and a nice
stretch along the front and then
bringing your eyes back to the
kettlebell bring your left leg across
foot on the floor lower yourself back to
the floor and bring the kettlebell down
now you can do repetitions of this maybe
three to five on either side you can
also just get into that position and
hang out there and allow your body to
open up and this will build strength in
the back while stretching along the
front of your body okay so there you
have it three exercises to fix your
posture and eliminate mid-back pain when
you look down if you found this article 📰📰📰
helpful I'd love it if you give it a
I'll see you in the next one