What are the 5 worst foods for diabetics

 Today article 📰 📰📰 talk about

 with high blood sugars and the main driver of your high blood

  sugars might very well be what you eat and what you drink in this article📰📰📰 i'm going 

to share with you five kinds of food and drinks that spike my blood sugar the most i'm gonna explain to you why exactly that happens and i'm gonna show you how exactly i do it so that i can still eat these foods how i can still drink these beverages without getting that blood sugar spike right here right now let's go welcome back to my channel if you're new here my name is tom i've been type 1 diabetic for over 30 years and on this channel i help you navigate 

your diabetes journey my ideal blood sugar range is between four and eight millimeters and in the past few weeks i've been 

working quite hard to increase the amount of time that i spent in this ideal blood sugar range maximizing the timing range should really be the goal of every type 1 or type 2 diabetic or even a pre-diabetic and the best way to do it is to avoid unnecessary blood sugar spikes well of course this is easier said than done because high blood sugars might be caused by stress or sickness but in my case to be honest the most frequent cause of high blood sugars is what i eat and what i drink and that's why i decided to take a closer look at foods and drinks that spike my blood sugar the most and i did it in two ways i researched the literature boring and i observed how my body

 reacts to different kinds of foods and drinks that i consume and i

 created a list of bad foods and bad drinks that has the worst impact on my blood sugar and i sorted them in five groups from the least bad to the worst i'm going to share them with you right now and i think some of these might surprise you just keep in mind i'm not a medical professional i'm not a doctor i'm just sharing my own personal experience the fifth place goes to fructose and fructose is included in all kinds of foods that have a lot of vitamins so you might think they're healthy but things like banana pineapple watermelon these spike my blood sugar a lot fourth place goes to sweet alcoholic beverages like sweet cocktails or beer and i know that some of you might be telling me well wait alcohol will bring your blood sugars down not up that's true but some of these sweeter drinks like cocktails or beer will bring your blood sugar up quite a bit in the initial phase so i try to avoid these beers and sweet cocktails but what i sometimes drink is uh spirits like a scotch scotch doesn't bring my blood sugar up at 

all and i really like it so why not third worst thing that brings my blood sugar up is a 

packaged sweet food so things like ketchup and all kinds of condiments you might think you will not eat them a lot because you just put a little bit on your place but they really have a lot of sugar so i try to eliminate these i don't take a lot of ketchup i don't take a lot of condiments because i know they 

have a lot of cars the other thing that falls within this packaged food

 category are things that are sometimes considered healthy for some weird reason so things like yogurt or healthy healthy mistly bars they spike your blood sugar a lot i sometimes eat them to bring my blood sugar up when i have a hypo but i try to eliminate them when my blood sugar is good the second place goes to refined highly processed carbohydrates and this is a white category of food that you can find a lot in many supermarkets and this food is really crappy really really crappy but it tastes pretty damn good when i asked you guys on the community page on my channel what food spikes your blood sugar the most a lot of you responded chinese indian food white rice white bread pasta pizza and all these things usually fall within the refined highly processed carbs category so they are stripped out of fat they are stripped out of protein they are stripped out of all the fiber all the good things left out with pure carbohydrates and this is really not what you want to eat especially if you're diabetic and no i did not forget about cereals cereals and other food that will spike your blood sugar number one officially the worst food that for me as a type 1 diabetic is there to eat is high fructose corn syrup well it's not only food it's a drink but this one is the biggest spiker that i found this thing is included in drinks like soda juices and sweetened teas this can of coke for example has 8 teaspoons of

 sugar just so you know these drinks will not only spike your

  blood sugar like crazy because they have tons of sugar but they also make you obese and they are highly addictive so stay away from them while you still can but now let's talk about my tips how you can actually avoid blood sugar spike so how you might be able to still eat some of those bad foods and bad drinks without getting the blood sugar spikes let's get into it and tip number one is if you can go for food with a low glycemic index and the glycemic index is a value from 0 to 100 that tells you how fast certain foods or certain drink will spike up your blood sugar the lower the foods glycemic index is the slower blood sugar rises after eating that food the more fiber protein and fat there is in the food the lower the glycemic index usually is so you really want to go for a food with fiber fat and protein that slowers the carbs absorption and slowers the blood sugar spike here is how your blood sugar reacts when you eat one of those 5 bad things i talked about earlier that have tons of carbs no fiber no fat and here is how your blood sugar reacts if you pick foods with lower glycemic index more fiber more fat now another tip is not only go for food with low glycemic index but also go for food with a low glycemic load but i don't want this article 📰📰📰to be too boring so maybe we can talk about glycemic load in another article tip number two if you eat one of those bad foods take a walk or do a cardio exercise right after meal and guys this really makes wonders so if you

 crave chinese or indian food don't have it delivered to your place

 go eat it in the restaurant or maybe not during covet but after covered you know go eat it in the restaurant and then don't take a cab don't take a taxi from the restaurant but walk from the restaurant home do like 30 45 minute walk and you will see that the spike from this sugary carby food will be much less and much less significant and this really works no matter if you're a type 1 or type 2 diabetic no matter if you're insulin dependent or not this really works for everyone it's perfectly natural and it really makes wonders i promise tip number three is really only applicable for insulin dependent diabetics and tip number three is focus on the bottles focus on the insulin you take before your meal and my friend levi from between two lions youtube channel go check it out if you haven't by the way he talks about three reasons why we sometimes don't focus on the bollos and why we get those nasty blood sugar spikes and number one reason why we sometimes don't focus on the balls is time so sometimes we don't have enough time to think about how much insulin we should take you know we just don't have time to think about it or we don't have enough time to take the insulin long enough before we eat we don't have time to pre-bonus and we don't have time to balance the timing of insulin started to work effectively with the timing when the carbs start working bad second reason why we don't focus on the bonus is attention so sometimes we don't want the attention of people who are taking

 the meal with us so we're in a restaurant we don't want

 everyone to talk about our diabetes we don't want everyone to focus uh the attention on our insulin and our bottles or on the other hand we don't want to give attention so we want to give the attention to a conversation that's happening in the restaurant we want to give attention to a movie that we are watching as levi says in this video and we don't pay that attention to the bullets and we don't focus on the balls also bad and the third reason why we don't focus on the ballers is planning so sometimes we plan to fail to bring our instrument panel with us when we go for dinner let's say or we forget to fill our cartridge of our insulin pump and this planning decisions this planning mistakes really doesn't let us focus on the bolus the way we should but i'm sure you can focus on your bottles you can pay enough time you can pay enough attention and planning guys if you want to hear more tips on how i bring my blood sugar down or my hba1c down click on the here or here these are the most popular on my so i'm sure you will love them thanks a lot for watching and this article 📰📰📰

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