Vitamin D deficiency symptoms

  Today's article 📰📰📰is about Vitamin D

You will think that what happened he was talking about Vitamin D 5 years ago and now also she is talking about the same.No guys! New research keeps on coming.

Earlier we used to give Calcium Sandoz to kids.

We also used to take Calcium tablets.

Then, new research came out that suggested taking Vitamin D

The calcium tablets can create problems, they can increase the blood pressure

then another research came out that suggested taking Vitamin D and K2

Today's research is a bit different. It states even if you are taking a Vitamin D supplement, Is Sunbathing necessary?

I will talk about the same thing today and will tell you about some hidden symptoms of Vitamin D deficiency. 

Why did I talk about the hidden symptoms?

Past Saturday, when I took my BaatCheet show where I invite random guests

during the BaatCheet, one lady showed me her kid and her kid's injury on the chin was not healing 

after that, she told me that the kid experiences a lot of sweating on the head 

Slow healing of the wounds

Excess sweating on the head 


Disbalancing when you stand up after a long time of sitting 

Bone and Muscle Pain

Catching frequent infections

YES guys

The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism observed the patients suffering from COVID-19

and tested their Vitamin D

82.2% of patients had lower Vitamin D in their body

There is a direct relation between Vitamin D levels and infections. 

The last hidden symptom is that the patient with Vitamin D deficiency has 2.5x more chances of getting Alzheimer's and Dementia. 

 Another research, which I read at GrassrootsHealth Nutrient Research Institute 

states that if you have a deficiency of Magnesium 

then your requirement for Vitamin D increases by 2.5x

Now, I will come to the main topic: Sun Exposure

When there was the time COVID-19 was at its peak, I often used to ask my functional doctors what advice should I give

Functional doctors are those who go after the root cause of the disease. 

They all started to say one thing, Doctors in America or India, the people who have taken their vaccines or have infections

give them Melatonin

I am a research freak. So, I said let me give melatonin for now. 

I gave Melatonin to my mom as well. 

She also contracted COVID-19 because she was voluntarily living and taking care of a COVID-19 patient for two days

Anyways, I knew the immunity of my mom so I told her if she feels like helping out the patients then let it be. 

But I gave her Melatonin on the recommendation of the doctor.

Today, I have the research.

I am not recommending Melatonin which is in my product Sleep Well 

instead of that, I am recommending sun exposure. 


Because when the sunlight falls on you

it has two things: One is visible light, which you can see and the other is heat

What is this heat? It is the near-infrared rays

These penetrate deeply into your body

and activate Cytochrome C Oxidase 

When this Cytochrome gets activated, it produces Melatonin inside your mitochondria/cells 

Now, you will ask Palak, What is the relation between Melatonin and COVID-19?

Listen carefully, I will just take a little bit of your time.

Your body has a pre-oxidant which is known as Angiotensin II

we will keep a short name for it: AG II

It is a pro-oxidant 

It is not good for your health. 

It increases blood pressure.

During COVID-19, most of the mortalities were due to blood clotting

It clots the blood

Your body makes an enzyme that directly converts AG II into AG 1-7

AG 1-7 is an anti-oxidant

It means that your body should have less AG II and more AG 7

Now, the COVID-19 virus used to bind that enzyme that was responsible for the conversion.

And AG II used to increase in the patient's body and AG 7 used to fall, due to which the deaths were happening. 

Melatonin helps this enzyme not getting bind with the COVID-19 virus

That is why the functional doctors are saying that the persons who have COVID-19 or who have taken the vaccines, vaccines are also a type of mild virus

these people have to take Melatonin for at least 1-1.5 years. 

This doesn't mean I am asking you to take my product. 

You should take the sun's rays 

I do not let my mom take the sun's rays and give her melatonin

because my mom is very sensitive to sun rays

she gets hyperpigmentation very soon, and her neck has a lot of pigmentation. 

 I give Melatonin to my mom but I have to give it to her every day. 

That is additional melatonin.

But melatonin production increases in the body if you take sun rays in the morning by sitting in the sun and wearing thin clothes. 

Apart from this, Melatonin helps in



Heart Disease

 Type 2 Diabetes

and Cancer

But you will say, contracted the virus but I do not have it now. 

The virus stays inside the body, that is why some people have got it twice 

and sometimes the virus in the vaccines gets aggravated 

So you have to boost your melatonin production. 

Which is the most important supplement?

Vitamin D 

and Melatonin in this virus time

So, I am coming to the end of the article and I told you at the starting of the post

that if you take Vitamin D supplement and you think that you do not need sun rays, You do need sun rays guys, 

especially during the present times. 

I hope this article 📰📰📰was helpful and I will keep on bringing new research like this 

I have done my work and now it's your time to do your work

Thank you so much Bye


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