The Ultimate Guide to.   Root Insurance on Reddit

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what's good everybody it's your boy everything so today we're talking about root  insurance and why after being with them for two years I'm out like Audi peace out not coming back um so let's go ahead and talk about it so guys I've actually been with root  insurance for two years and I am definitely canceling my policy at the end of this renewal period I'm gonna go into the reason why um a lot of people did warn me about it uh so I'll talk about you know essentially my experience what it was like what happened what may have contributed toward it and um My ultimate reason for you know leaving and if I would actually recommend like if I would do this prize all over again like you know when I do anything different let's go ahead and talk about it so I actually signed up with root in January late January 2021 and I did it the same way that everyone else does it so you have to sign up with the app give it permission to basically track your entire life and once you do that you take the driving test now the driving test is fairly simple a couple quarters of you guys are looking towards like getting onto this plan it is the driving test it basically tracks you and your habits while you're driving for about two weeks could be a little bit longer or a little bit shorter based on what's together enough driving information now the three pointers are maintain a consistent scheduled Drive within well lit times and they're looking for consistency not necessarily if you're like following like everything that's out there like they don't know the speed limits of the areas that you're in and things like that but if you go to a street and you drive there 30 miles per hour and the next day you're driving 60 miles an hour the next day you drive 12 miles an hour it show. 
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 How to Get the Most Out of Your Root Insurance on Reddit        

 there you know do all the regular stuff like you know don't be on your phone and don't text while driving and don't do hard braking and harsh turns they track all of that but what they're really looking for is consistency right and you know just normal safety things like dry drinking water hours so after signing up I had gotten a pretty good uh offer for my premium for you know the service and it undercut a lot of the competition at the time I was with Geico and I was looking at other you know other care as well and what I suspect that they do is they undercut like the norm of the premium that you typically would get now their principle of you know ensuring people is that they're in short good drivers and they insure them at a fair premium mine was was fair that I felt like it was fair but I'm not sure how fair it was because it only undercut Progressive at the time by like a couple bucks per month and when I said couple I mean actually like two bucks per month but you know it was efficient enough for them to you know for me not to go with Progressive and I wanted to go to this company to save the most amount of money now while you are conducting the test drive there are little challenges that they'll give you to help not only like make it more enjoyable because I find them pretty easy and pretty engaging but they also have these challenges that will can pay you out like real actual dollars so when I combine it like the things that I would do like have to take a picture of my car and give and you know categorize some driving that uh

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The Benefits of Root Insurance: A Reddit User's Guide

  experience that I had when I was traveling say if I was driving or if I was not driving in the app it would pay you out points for this and these points would equate to about 20 bucks so even though they were undercutting them by let's say a total of like the undercut Progressive by a total of like maybe like 15 bucks once I completed certain exercises with an app now I got 20 bucks they would deposit into your bank account or you can choose to donate to charity anything like that I did choose to put in my bank account I was struggling at the time I needed my money for myself so um not only that they would so the undercutting was not only 15 now it was more like 35 and you could repeat doing some of the like newer challenges that they introduced and I think by that by the time I had actually completed my like all the challenges they give me back like a total of 60 bucks before I had even accepted my premium so you know it was something that was you know I was like wow why wouldn't I stay so at the time that I did sign up with them I had a pretty like minimal insurance and I had a pretty older car so I had a 2010 Honda Accord great car loved it um but I did have since then upgraded my car and have had any issues no tickets you know anything like that so but I did add a new car and I also invested in a Toro vehicle like a minivan and I put on there so I had now a premium that was much higher because I was covering a newer car with more coverage and I had an additional vehicle as well so my root  insurance premium did go up but I was fairly okay with the amount of money that it was it definitely seemed fair and FY guys I had tried to compare to other insurance carriers every about every six months because I was all about budget like I want the best rate for myself and they remain competitive so I wanted to talk about really quickly how some of the things work while you have this service so number one after you get your quote they do continue to essentially monitor your driving I mean there are times where the app would say calculating or crunching the numbers when you weren't even when you when I was just sitting in my apartment it just thought that hey you're usually driving at this point in time notice it so we're gonna start questioning the numbers and then they would discard and say hey no we're going to add that off the Record if they didn't see any travel activity everything is really made efficient through the app if you want to change your address if you want to you know do any upgrades or add-on or removal of features getting refunds the app is the most efficient place to do it they do have a website that you can log in and

root insurance 

  compared to some of the other websites that I've used like Geico it's not as efficient as Geico's online like website their app is really geared towards making a lot of those changes and it incentivize you to keep the app they even come out and say or they come out on some of my post that I made about root insurance before like hey you know we encourage you to keep the app right and it's for their incentive they can't tell you what to have to have but you know they can't encourage you so one of the things I want to talk about is your referral system um that is something that I personally had uh had benefited from um so essentially I do s like this and I talked about the fact that there was a referral program that they had that if you signed up with my link you would all you would get you know a discount on your premium and I think it's a great plan I think it's a great feature to have um that way everybody both saves and you're kind of The Advertiser for the company or an additional Advertiser and I had gotten up to 600 bucks of premium for referrals out in in the various state by state but they'll give you up to a thousand bucks but after I got 600 bucks they just basically stopped paying out and I found it odd because essentially you know that the way I got mine was through and it had been like I had been getting Maybe like three or first per week because my post were you know attracting people who are signing up and getting quotes um but I started to have about I think I have like left foot 23 um people who I think the payout was like 20 bucks per or 30 bucks per and I just stopped paying out I did try to contact customer service about it they weren't really that helpful um they wanted me to tell them like who the person was that I was instructing the referral from I was like hey it's through I don't know so um you know it was one of those things where it just wasn't efficient for me anymore you could tell a few people get some money back and you know have that help cut your cost to your premium down I'll be honest with you the amount of money that I made in the first six months my premium actually didn't cost me anything it offset it entirely but as of the last probably eight or nine months I have been having some changes within my driving patterns right um I work a lot more from home now than I did prior so I'm traveling a lot less frequently um in fact most of the things that I actually partake in within a five mile radius and my grocery store is very close my gym is very close um Target's really close Best Buy is really closed the movie theater is really close uh everywhere I go for the most part is within a like two to five mile radius um so my driving has been reduced during drastically now and during the time that I've had them I haven't had any claims have had any tickets or nothing like that but recently I did get my renewal notice and it told me that I was going up a few hundred dollars right now I no longer have the Toro vehicle that I that I had before and I'm only covering my car insurance that I have right now with my personal vehicle and I was really shocked at the amount that it went up so I decided to do what I do every time I get a new insurance premium I check the market which I understand suggest everyone do I checked the market and all the other major like insurance carriers or just kind of buy 400 bucks so for some reason root car insurance was 400 more expensive now at this point in time in 2023 when I'm about to renew than they've ever been um with when I compared to all the national leaders and carriers in fact Geico is you know is the one that I'm going back to now and therefore want it all cheaper it's just a significant increase which I can't understand why because my behavior has significantly reduced which means I'm not driving my car as much Etc um you know I'm not going traveling as much distance um everything was in the shorter shorter area and also I had a bit of issue with customer service and how knowledgeable they were first it's really initiated through a chat and then they initiate a phone call if they can't assist you through the chat um it was just something that I didn't feel like I wanted to pay for experience I mean it's already a budget insurance provider some of those things become intolerable when you're charging more than Nation leaders in certain industries right I've dealt with Geico before I know the level of customer service and knowledge that they typically do have um even though they don't have some of the perks that you guys have with or root has with the referrals and the challenges and the cash back and things which those stop paying out the customer

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  service issues where I couldn't really talk to them when I wanted to or they were less knowledgeable just became a lot more intolerable so I think everything would you recommend root insurance today I mean if it saves you money and you're not one of these people who need to talk to customer service to your you know car vehicle insurance provider like once a month then yeah like my the downsides are the customer service is you know they operate like a budget company um they're not really that knowledgeable I haven't had any issues with claims that haven't had any claims but at the same time I've done research and I haven't heard any issues with them paying out on claims um do I think that they're the best carrier out there no they're not they're a budget carrier um and they operate as

The Ultimate Guide to Root Insurance on Reddit

  such um if it doesn't make sense financially I would not be a part of this right the only reason I'm leaving is because the budget aspect of it doesn't make sense when you're charging me more money than admit than a national year um so if it makes sense to you um definitely like and I mean Financial sense and you need that low insurance then yeah it's definitely an option I'd definitely say you know go for it I am happy with the time that I was there it's just that now it's time for me to leave they told me hey in 45 days your root insurance Creator is going to go drastically up so I went to another provider the same way I deal with Geico right and I'm back with Geico now and if Geico raise my root insurance in two years I will be leaving Geico as well to for another carrier so yeah I do feel like it was worth it with the perks and things that they give but you know guys let me know what's your experience of real root insurance leave it in the comments but until next time I'm Everton and I do post everything's way peace foreign