Was there Superior Iron Man in Doctor Strange 

Experience the exciting to Doctor Strange2  Superior Iron Man as they face a powerful  Action-packed battles and thrilling superhero drama await!"

superior iron man doctor strange 2

Best doctor strange 2 superior iron man v i've gotten a lot of requests since the trailer came out to talk about him specifically this other version of iron man who is not robert downey jr being one of the more interesting illuminati characters from this Marvel multiverse team if you're new to the channel i'm doing a giveaway for that (spider man a new home release date )blu-ray that they just announced with a whole bunch of tobey maguire andrew garfield bonus features all you have to do to enter is be a subscriber and post all your superior iron man theories in the comments but in the trailer you see this version of baron mordo working with the(marvel multiverse illuminati team )apologize to our mcu doctor strange power level then seemingly haul him to wherever their bases and put him in these cells this could be mcu baron mordo but i think it's a version of baron mordo from the tl multiversewho became sorcerer supreme ironman in his universe and he's replacing doctor strange on the classic roster most of the roster is pretty close to the original comic book roster but with ftl multiverse versions there are a couple differences though that i'll point out is that your voice in the doctor strange trailer super bowl can you comment on that at all who's drstrange but you can actually see best doctor strange these special cells america chavez is in one of the other cells like the cuffs that they put them in look like iron man's technology but from this other iron man variant you see that christinepalmer variant and all the
superior iron man doctor strange 2

superior iron man multiverse of madness

 other people in white lab coats running around but then doctor strange gets hauled to face the illuminati council by these ultron robots and they're meant to belong to this iron man variant in the movie that we're calling superior iron man right now they've got ultron vibes about them but a way more polished version of that like less hardcore but still very very hardcore the design language seems just much more like iron man's armor they come from a universe where their version of iron man that we're just calling superior iron man because of the shinier vibe of the suits of armor seems like he was successfully able to avert the disaster that was(  watch avengers age of ultron )with ultron just going crazy in their universe their version of iron man was just a little more hardcore than mcu iron man but was able to use his technology to create a version of ultron that did not go off the rails spectacularly like he did in the mcu and these robots are just the evolution of that technology the evolution of the iron legion that we saw but with more infinity stone upgrades like ultron was an infinity stone upgrade to jarvis in the iron legion the whole idea during avengers age of ultron at the beginning of that movie is that we saw iron man it basically created the iron legion to function as sort of like mini versions of himself with ai programming controlled by jarvis and himself in function with a certain level of autonomy but for the most part they were just meant to function like low-level copies of iron man himself like he wasn't about to clone himself but he has all these suits of armorso what if he could automate those and they could function almost as good as a version of himself controlled by ai but then the base consciousness of the mind stone perverted them and upgraded the system way beyond what iron man intended so that was when ultron was born his consciousness was basically like the consciousness of the mind stone infinity stone mixed with iron man's programming and tech imagine in superior iron man's alternate universe that twist with ultron never happened or when it was happening he was somehow able to stop that from going off the rails so his ultron never  goes crazy and( superior iron man) is able to use the infinity stones to safely upgrade all of his tech to hyper tech levels so that's why they kind of look like ultron robots but with way softer edges like the eyes are wider they look way less evil but still very very hardcore and even though there's
superior iron man mcu

doctor strange 2 iron man variant

 been lots of speculation about this figure here people wondering if it's a version of superior iron man or somebody else because the low quality of the youtube trailer footage is kind of blurry there's no 4k clean version to zoom in and hands on people seeing weird things in the edges of this character's face i talked about this in my last doctor strange video tooit's the same person who's fighting the scarlet witch variant who's got the oil or the fluidfrom those superior iron man ultron bots all over her like in this scene here when she looks like she's gonna go ham on everybody she's covered in the metaphorical blood of all these ultron robots which she's probably just destroyed and the person that she's fighting here all lit up with the blue orange energy is a captain marvel variant who is maria rambo from another universe because her power signature looks exactly like best  captain marvel's in superior iron man even though his armor would look way different way more hardcore than mcu iron man's armor it wouldn't have the same power signature as best captain marveleven in the comics when superior iron man was fighting people in his armor his power signature didn't look anything like this right now as you probably suspected marvel is holding back on revealing who's actually playing the superior iron man character and what his armor looks like mostly because patrick stewart's professor x was meant to be the big wtf x-men reveal that they wanted everybody freaking out about in the last trailer you thought i was asleep didn't you acting they don't want to give every single thing away in the first big trailer and when we call him superior iron man it means something a little different in the comics than it does in the mcu right now remember to the loki series they had this whole thing about who the superior loki was amongst all the variants in the mcu context it was meant to denote the best version of loki like each version here thinks that they are superior to the other versions around them personally my pick for superior loki was alligator loki cannot wait to see him come back during season 2 maybe some frog thor again too really big fan of the animal versions of characters superior iron man in the comics was a version of the character who had given into his darkest vices way more egotistical way edgier he actually thought of himself as a real god amongst men big man in a suit of armor take that off what are you genius billionaire playboy philanthropist he was created when the x-men avengers crossover access event happened and this will sound familiar it was another big scarlet witch event scarlet witch winds up inverting everyone's alignment inside the 616 universe so all the villains become these morally upstanding heroes and all the regularheroes like the avengers iron man mark vii

 all kind of become evil so 9(Superior Iron Man - Comic book series) was like what if iron man but evil his super shiny looking new armor was called the endo sim armor it looks kind of like a symbiote because it was literally like the fusion of symbiote biology and his technology he creates this highly addictive version of the extremists that he circulates to the entire world so that regular people can use it but they get hooked on it and it starts upgrading regular people to the level of olympic athletes so like paraplegics are now almost as strong as captain america but then once everyone gets hooked he starts charging everyone money for the service or he'll turn off their upgrades so he's sort of like the drug dealer version of iron man like the first hits free all this amazing technology that will make you this super person but if you want to keep it it's going to cost you the version of superior iron man that it seems like they have in (doctor strange 2 best )i think will be a little bit different though but generally the same vibe as comic (10book superior iron man) like what if during the infinity saga movies mcu iron man had made way more hardcore choices that won them the worst that they thought way faster and prevented a lot of the biggest tragedies like preventing the snap like in his universe what if they beat their version of thanos before he could snap everyone but in order to do that this superior version of iron man had to do really shady things himself way more hardcore stuff that's why he'd wind up becoming a member of this (marvel multiverse illuminati) team because that's the vibe that they all had in the comics making hard morally great choices is exactly what the illuminati were built to do like the main versions of the team even used the infinity stone during the time runs out incursions avengers storyline to destroy other versions of earth destroying entire other universes to save their earth their own 616 universe which is something that (mcu iron man) mcu marvel captain america would never do remember marvel captain america famous comment they do not trade lives well the illuminati they trade lives all the time so### (superior iron man) in doctor strange 2 best is just like that he trades lives big time my early theory right now just based on all the footage that we're seeing in the trailer of this scarlet witch tearing through their base like it's tissue paper and all these other members of the team is that she'll wind up killing some of the (marvel multiverse illuminatimultiverse )and the reason why they're hyping them up so much is probably so that when she does kill some of them it'll just hit you way harder inthe theater when you're all watching it go down like the whole thing in one division is that they were trying to hype up that she was
superior iron man mcu

Superior Iron Man. marvel multiverse war

 thiscrazy powerful being her chaos magic just elevatedher to this level you've never seen before agatha harkness even says that she's supposed to bemore powerful than the source of supreme so if you want scarlet witch or scarlet witch's variant to feel like a badass you just have to put them up against way more op people and that's probably why they're hyping up this( marvel multiverse illuminati) team as being so powerful there are some rumorsthat superior iron man in the movie has a couple infinity stones in his universe even though marvel has been playing it fast and loose with how the infinity stones are meant to work in the comics infinity stones are only supposed to work in their original universe outside of it they're no better than paperweights like during the loki series we actually get a lot of those some of the guys use them as paper weights but during the what if series they actually changed that the infinity ultron was using his infinity stones across many different universes so we'll see how they treat that during doctor strange 2 they might be playing it fast and loose with them again in the name of big wtf moments and they could always bend the rules a little by saying that this illuminati base exists in its own little pocket dimension where the rules of reality are a little different making crazier things possible i also like the theory that the illuminati team themselves will be kind of an antagonist in the movie just to make scarlet witch feel like less of a villain and as for who's actually playing that (superior iron man) character the other actor i don't think that it's tom cruise i'd be like blown away if it is tom cruise but all the leaks that people are talking about seem like they're fake photoshops and not in like the funny andrew garfield way where it's like oh it's clearly not a photoshop and the actor is just saying that it's a photoshop i've got a couple other videos about some of the other (marvel multiverse illuminati) characters that i'm working on if you have any big requests for the movie just write them below in the comments big reminder that my marvel moon knight episodeswill be starting in a couple weeks too everyone click here for that brand new(spider man a new home release date) toby mcguire andrew garfield matt murdock daredevil video that sony just released it's hilarious and click here for my full doctor strange multiverse of madness trailer thank you so much for blog watching everyone stay safe and i'll see you guys in the next one you!

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